However, a majority of fatalities resulting from car accidents involving alcohol are from sober drivers who are hit by drunk drivers. This number is based on a systematic examination of the official records of each and every accident involving a fatality during that year in the US. Nationally, 12.8% of all drivers involved in fatal accidents during 2013 are known to have been intoxicated according to the blood alcohol concentration (BAC laws) of their state. Senior Police Officer Gail Denise Thomas was killed by a drunk driver. Some have criticized the NHTSA for compiling this statistic since it may give the impression that drunk drivers cause a much higher percentage of accidents and does not accurately reflect the problem of drunk driving in the United States. Alcohol-related accidents are often mistakenly confused with alcohol-caused accidents. Furthermore, if a sober motorist hits a drunk pedestrian, the accident is also listed as alcohol-related.

Thus, if a person who has consumed alcohol and has stopped for a red light is rear-ended by a completely sober but inattentive driver, the accident is listed as alcohol-related, although alcohol had nothing to do with causing the accident. This statistic includes any and all vehicular (including bicycle and motorcycle) accidents in which any alcohol has been consumed, or believed to have been consumed, by the driver, a passenger or a pedestrian associated with the accident.

2014 Traffic Deaths due to crashes involving drivers at or above 0.08 BAC Īlcohol-related traffic crashes are defined by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as alcohol-related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.